The decision to go forward with your plans to start a family is a joyous one, but it can also lead to increased stress especially if your financial house has
Here’s a thought, retirement doesn't’t mean the end- it doesn't mean an end of self-importance or purpose, it just means a new chapter—a paradigm shift of what
Today we’d like to share a planning exercise we use with prospects to help them understand the concepts of estate planning and life insurance.
Here's the
Ready for a few scary statistics?
1 in 19,000 houses catch fire annually.
1 in 1,700 people will get in a car accident with repairs costing more than $3,000
Everyone has a dream vacation spot. “One day, I’ll get to go there” they think to themselves. This article will hopefully help you get you there! You see
The 2015 Retirement Confidence Survey revealed that only 24% of today’s workers are very confident that they will have enough money to live comfortably
Record keeping doesn’t have to be difficult. Now that tax season is over, we’re sure you can see the value in keeping your records organized (and the stress it
There comes a point in life where you want to begin sharing or gifting all the things you’ve collected over the years—stories, wisdom, financial wealth, etc
Few consumer products are the object of a love/hate relationship as life insurance. The thought of buying life insurance is not something that most like to
A great big thank you to the friends, family, and Relay teammates that came out to the Relay for Life fundraising event held a Buffalo Wild Wing on Monday. The
For some a car is simply a means of getting from point A to point B; for others it’s a status symbol. Cars are a hobby, a passion, for some and necessity for
Did you just read the title of this blog and laugh out loud?
It probably surprises you as much as it does our clients when we tell them they need $1,000,000 of